Thursday, February 28, 2013

Battle of the Ports HD #42 (Duke Nukem 3D)

Battle of the Ports HD #42 (Duke Nukem 3D) Tube. Duration : 9.90 Mins.

Putting the PS1 & Saturn versions of Duke Nukem 3D side by side. Both games have their pros & cons. The PS1 game looks closest to the PC original but has an unstable frame rate. The Sat game has a more consistent frame rate & better lighting but suffers from some sloppy texturing, especially in the later parts of the game. The PS1 port contains all the original episodes plus a new one "Plug 'n' Pray", which has six new levels and a secret level. The Sat version only has one exclusive level "Urea 51" & features a new fourth difficulty level "Damn I'm Good". Why that game needed to be any harder is beyond me, playing it on just normal was a bitch. The Saturn port also features a secret mini game called Death Tank Zwei which was unlocked by beating the game or if you already had an Exhumed or Quake Save file on your system. In terms of technical achievement the Saturn game is far & away the most impressive, as games like that just should not have been possible on the system but those wizards at Lobotamy just said "Fuck you logic!" & made it anyway. The PS1 game does have an unusual amount of video options for a console game. The "Filtering" as the game calls it is not what you think. It creates a slightly offset image of everything you see (try crossing your eyes to see what I mean) which looks fucking horrific through a component cable on a modern TV. But I guess if we were all back in 1996 with our 15" standard def tube TV's with an old grey Playstation pugged in via RF ...


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